Sunday, August 31, 2014

Things that threw me Vol. 1

Every now and then we come across people, places, or situations that stop us in our tracks and make us think "Hang on, what was that about exactly?" and what do we do about things that throw us? We write about it and then regret having done so later maybe. Probably. It is highly likely that I will regret this later. Now onwards!

Instance #1 - Oh daddy. 

A lovely lady, who shall remain nameless, saw fit to share existence with me once, and in the throws of passion one night began to say "Oh daddy". My issues with my own father as well as my rejection of child birth aside, this really fucking threw me. What where the implications of that exactly? Where did it come from? I'll never know as I was too afraid to ask at the time, but it keeps me up at least three nights of the year. I should have asked. 

Instance #2 - Ice Bucket Challenge

I get the efforts to raise awareness about a cause, but seriously, what the fuck? Is it really prudent, especially now of all times when even the first world countries are having water shortages, to be dumping an excess of the stuff as if it were worth nothing? The arguments for this are odd to say the least. "The total sum of the waste is akin to what we lose from pipeline leaks in a single day" they say, as though that were a satisfactory justification of the flagrant entitlement they're swimming in. Surely if that is what's lost in a day as it is, we shouldn't be so eager to throw more out? Is viral video really worth throwing it into the faces of the less fortunate on a global scale? I dig that they raised awareness and donations for this ALS business but I can't say I agree with their methods. It's sad that that's what it takes to draw some much needed attention these days. I dread the day there's a "totally fresh and clean food bucket challenge BECAUSE WHATEVER THAT 30,000,000 ODD PEOPLES SUM TOTAL OF WASTE IS AKIN TO THE FOOD WE LOSE IN WORLDWIDE DRUNKEN VOMITTING IT'S TOTALLY LEGIT". But I digress. 

Instance #3 - Cinnamon Bun Flavoured Potato Chips

I don't need to get into this one, do I?

Instance #4 - I Just Don't Like It

Y'know the sort of people I'm talkin' about. If you are having difficulty articulating just why it is you reject a particular person or idea, it's probably because that rejection is totally unfounded and you're just being a contrary-for-the-sake-of-being-contrary dick. If that's your thing though, by all means, enjoy ambling around with no real opinion of what it is you claim to dislike. Who needs reason, anyways am I right? I am.

I reckon that's enough for now. I hop off the soap box. Now I've finished with you, you may go.