Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sentence parkour (cuz I'm gonna run on this bitch)

     I woke up early this morning, which incidentally is something that happened yesterday but yeah it happened today of all days, and I tell you what, it's kind of a fantastic thing that affords me a little more time to do whatever it is I feel like doing before diving into the daily foot slog through life and what that thing is for today is to paint like wildfire, if wildfire were more than just orange, red, and yellow hues and it can be if you throw certain chemicals into it but that's neither here nor there so yeah be happy today, little children of the world, for you are a part of something that simultaneously spirals out of control while following some sort of structure through the universe and hey, why not just spin right along with it and if you get dizzy, that's okay, that's totally a natural and understandable reaction to the whole thing and don't worry, you'll totally stop vomiting eventually, you just gotta, you gotta hang on as tight as you can and never let go, duct tape your hands to it if need be but just never let go because someday soon, you'll find that you're actually enjoying the ride and hey, if anyone deserves to enjoy it, it might as well be you and maybe me, but mostly you but yeah, so I went ahead and enjoyed it already but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it after me still, or that I'm better for having enjoyed it first and GOD, it is physically paining me to not end this sentence but sometimes you just gotta run on, run on until you can't run anymore and have to heave yourself along by arm BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE I AM RIGHT NOW AND YOU SHOULD COME VISIT ME HERE, but maybe bring some grammar with you because I've plum run on and out of it belt buckle.

I need one of those. SMILE EVERYONE!