Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Needless complications and the very real need some seem to have of them.


Now then.

Somewhat contradictory to every person who has ever said "I would love a life without the bullshit drama/complication parts", I am inclined to call bullshit on that noise, not only because I personally prefer the batshit crazy aspects of life, but also because all evidence in some way or another seems to suggest that yeah, that is totally a thing you must call bullshit on. The ones who make such claims never seem to have or even work toward the simple life, and indeed if you've never had it how can you ever be truly sure that's what you want? Not to mention the fuck tons of people out there who have had a taste, but where otherwise incapable of maintaining such a life. More and more I get to thinking those complications are almost essential because from what I've seen, the ones who do end up where they want to be at the end of their respective life novels tend to...eh, be fantastically unstable at their foundations if you know what I mean.

For the record, I understand that I may be looking at all this in exactly the way I want to see it in order to justify my own bizarre process because it's true, I do lean toward the more fucked up situations in life. To the point that even the most stable living standard can be thrown into jeopardy. I'm not sure what it is exactly that sets me in motion on these endeavours, but without fail I am almost exclusively drawn to the twisted, insane, or otherwise damaged types out there, be it people or just the whole scene altogether. Is it to keep things interesting, and if so, for who? Is it that life is a lot more fun trying to find someone who compliments your brand of crazy in just the right way? Or is it simply that we(that is, fucked up people) are simply terrified of what is commonly referred to as a "normal life" but appears to me to be the most abnormal fucking thing in existence? As though the act of being involved in anything functional will indefinitely destroy our previous pathetic attempts at defining ourselves as well as any interest in mediums we've picked up along the way. The old saying that contentment is the death of passion etc. Sounds like a lot of wankery to me, but then I'm not building any cases against the notion now am I.

Sometimes though...I wonder what things would be like if we all could just embrace a little madness in the mix. I wonder if we would bitch less for the fact that we've redefined normalcy to better fit our lifestyle, or bitch more and claim that life has gotten boring in the "normal life" we would then find ourselves in, causing us to forge a brand new psuedo-normal in our heads that we can then wish for as per usual. After all, what the fuck do any of us really know about the fabled normalcy? The grass is always greener on the other side until you remember that grass, green or not, is pretty fucking boring either way. I kind of want to learn a bit about horticulture now, because I must be missing just why it was that saying was written that way. I think this generation definitely needs a do over on that sentiment. Maybe something like "The laser equipped motorcycle that also makes your coffee just right is always greener on the other side of the fence, because fuck, your neighbour does a better park job, I don't know fuck you."

Maybe something less caustic and assholey, and something more make sensey and socially easier to swallow. I'll work on it. In the meantime, errabody accept that life is all fucked up, and that it can be so much more fun because it is. We'd be fucking crazy not to accept the insanity of it all. Acceptance sure beats bitching about it with no intentions of really fixing it, right?

I'm sorry, I'm sleep deprived. I'll stop now.